Contact us

Would you like to ask or tell us something? Please enter your name and email address in the following input fields to send us your request.

Felder mit einem sind Pflichtfelder und müssen ausgefüllt werden.

Fields marked with an * are mandatory fields that have to be filled in.

Form of address

Please enter your postal address here if it is needed in order to respond to your enquiry:

Please enter your email address for us to reply to you.

Please enter your phone number for any queries.

Please limit the reference to 125 characters.

Note on the form:

Only copy unformatted text into the form. Please note that only the following characters are permitted in the form: A-Z, a-z, Ä, Ö, Ü, ä, ö, ü, ß, 0-9, áàâÁÀÂéèêÉÈÊôÔ, and the special characters ,; . : ( ) ? ! @ " „ ‟ ' § € / + -* _ .

Transfer of personal data

I agree to the transfer of my personal data collected in this form to other state, federal, or local public authorities for the purpose of responding to my enquiry.

I do not agree to the transfer of my personal data collected in this form to other state, federal, or local public authorities for the purpose of responding to my enquiry.