Modernes Foto: Fotowerkstatt mit Scanner, Arbeitstischen mit Materialien, Archivwagen und Mitarbeiterinnen an ihren Arbeitsplätzen

Repro Order – online ordering

Use our online form to order reproductions of archival material from the Hessen State Archives against a fee.

Use our online form to order reproductions of archival material from the Hessen State Archives against a fee. To order reproductions from other archives that use Arcinsys, please contact the appropriate archives. You can find an overview in the Map of Archives Using ArcinsysÖffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster (in German).


Digital reproductions can be ordered from the Hessen State Archives against a fee. The following fees apply:

1. For non-commercial purposes (per copy)

  • Reproductions: € 0.50
  • Photo processing: € 5.00
  • Surcharge for postal delivery (per order): € 5.00

Non-commercial purposes include study, research, teaching and education, analog or digital publications related to scientific, genealogical and local research, and analog or digital exhibitions.

2. For commercial purposes (per copy)

  • Reproductions: € 2.00
  • Photo processing: € 17.00
  • Surcharge for postal delivery (per order): € 10.00

Commercial purposes include television productions, non-scientific publications, and national or international journalism.

You can find a detailed overview of the administrative costs for the Hessen State Archives’ services in our Fee ScheduleÖffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster (in German).


If you are unable to complete the form, please contact the archives from which you wish to order digital reproductions:
Addresses and contactsÖffnet sich in einem neuen Fenster (in German)

If you do not know the identifier of the archival material, please submit a research request first:
Contact Form

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